Student Success Statment
"A definite worthy goal, combined with a positive mental attitude(PMA), is the starting point of all worthwhile achivement."
Napoleon Hill
Answer: to me this statment says that a possitive attitude will take you any where in life no matter how bad enviromrnt is that you live in if you always keep a possitive attitude towards life. life will oppen up new doors for you regardleess of you personal back ground. we all need to remember that when a door shuts right infront of our faces their is another one waving hello at us. For exampple i was sopose to graduate since last year but i always have been smart but i know their aint no such excusses in life but in libbra they treated me wrong i am a slow learner and i gues they took advantage of that because they put me in classes i could not keep up with. so thats how i enede up here in HPIAM because mr.c said that he would give me all the nessasery matterials and needs i also required.
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